From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, to the gutters of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a kingdom divided by religious wars and under threat of British invasion, a handful of men and women wil...
As his mother’s illness progresses, a wealthy young man hires a perfect caregiver. But their lives start to spiral into a deadly affair as the caregiver seemingly tries to make herself a permanent fac...
Fiona's father has been killed in Florida, but she doesn't believe it was a suicide, and she learns that the prime suspect is a local drug kingpin with an army of mercenaries....
On a mission to set up a robot colony on Mars, Android Officer Nova is caught between her human crew-mates and her own kind when a mutiny erupts during the flight....
Discovery 艾爷(艾德·斯塔福 Ed Stafford)接受了一项任务,去探访地球上最新的谜团。由间谍卫星与国际空间站所拍摄的照片,显示出在地球上一些荒无人烟的地域,有着许多奇怪且难以解释的标记。从西巴布亚的巨大白色线条,到达纳基尔沙漠中的奇怪圆点,每一处标记都饱含着难以解释前所未见的反常事物。艾德将使出浑身解数,依托他在极端恶劣情况下的丰富经验,来揭秘其中的真相。...