Bill Martin及Mike Schiff执笔﹑John Hamburg执导的CBS单镜头喜剧《神兽 The Unicorn》(原本是单镜头喜剧,但中途被CBS要求而改变成多镜头,现在又被转回单镜头)由《火线警探 Justified》主演Walton Goggins担 当主角。 这部喜剧讲述成了鳏夫的主角完全没心理准备独自抚养两个女儿,以及再一次与别人约会,但他意外地发现自己「丧偶+单亲...
Ilya Goryunov has spent seven years in prison on false charges of drug trafficking. When Ilya is free he realizes that the old life that he yearned for is no more. Although he did not inte...
Rosemary's Baby is the modern-day adaptation of the 1967 best-selling suspense novel by Ira Levin. The story centers on a young married couple (Saldana and Adams) who move into a Paris apartment...