每个梦想都有标价,你愿意拿什么去换? 白天是电话接线生,夜晚在俱乐部驻唱,莫妮卡凭藉独特嗓音,从籍籍无名的小歌手,一步步打入纽约高级夜总会,在爵士乐盛行的黄金六零年代,成为最炙手可热的女星! 伴随成名而来的纵情喧闹和彻夜狂欢,让她逐渐迷失自我。面对父母的不谅解和爱人接连离去,空虚失落的莫妮卡,只有手中的酒杯伴她迎接清晨。追求梦想是否必定付出沈痛代价…? About 细细品味紫罗兰的芬芳,从平...
On 21. September 2013, telecommunications satellite APV-1312 belonging to French media group CanalDouble crashes into the Brandenburg Gate, cutting a trail of destruction as far as the Reichstag. 56 d...
One night when seeking his estranged wife, Hoffmann goes to the youth center where she works. The police are there rounding up radicals who frequent the center - Hoffmann runs into the building and ...