Wray Nerely is a struggling actor who starred as a spaceship pilot on Spectrum, a cult classic science fiction series. He navigates the odd people and incidents he encounters along the way while learn...
这部已经拖了四年时间的「美国起源」题材迷你剧根据2007年出版的写实小说《Savage Kingdom: The True Story of Jamestown, 1607, and the Settlement of America》改编。1607年,从英国来到美洲大陆寻梦的探险者在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯敦(Jamestown)建立了新殖民地,这是北美地区第一个英国定居点,美国的历史从此开始。到了16...
Mike Flaherty unexpectedly visits from Washington, meets his replacement Charlie, and ruins Charlie's attempts at wooing Caitlin. Meanwhile, Randall begins dating Judge Claire Simmons, who is sepa...