Alexa has hopped the ditch and landed in Auckland. Guess what? Her sidekick Madison knocks on the door as well. When a woman shoots a stranger at point blank range by the Harbour, it looks ...
Jackie, the heiress to her husband's fortune after his death, who finally finds love again with a plastic surgeon, Kevin. As tragedy continues around her, secrets about Kevin and her late husband&...
Tom Hardy一人分饰两角出演伦敦黑帮史上最叱咤风云的克雷兄弟,雷金纳德(Reginald Kray)和罗纳德(Ronald Kray)。他们统治了上世纪五六十年代整个伦敦的东区,从持械抢劫到暴力袭击,从收保护费到走私军火,谋杀,可以说是无恶不作。黑白两道通吃的他们在商界、政界、娱乐界都广受欢迎。兄弟中的弟弟自称是双性恋,与许多政客有染……警方在1968年将两兄弟捉拿归案,最终判处终身监禁...
Ghosts is returning for a third Christmas special,written by Jim Howick and Mathew Baynton, the latest festive instalment of the BBC One sitcom is "a great Christmas special"....
连长Claus M. Pedersen率领着他的士兵驻扎在阿富汗的一个省。远在丹麦,Claus的妻子Maria的生活也遇到了很多的烦恼。丈夫在很远的地方参加战争,让她提心吊胆,而且孩子们也哭闹着想见到自己的父亲。在一次看似寻常的任务执行当中,士兵被困在了火力凶猛的包围圈之内。为了拯救他的士兵,Claus做出了一个会给他自己以及他的家庭造成难以想象后果的决定。...