After newlywed Jocelyn learns that her husband Jody (Michael Welch, Twilight franchise) had her father shot down, she flees from the Callahan ranch in fear. She's rescued by gunman Billy Tyson, wh...
根据Madeleine St John所著同名畅销小说改编,设定在1959年的悉尼夏季,在澳大利亚的文化觉醒、阶级结构瓦解和妇女解放的背景下,讲述郊区女学生丽莎的成长故事。丽莎在等待高考成绩、梦想着去悉尼大学时,在一家大型百货商店打暑期工,与一群女售货员并肩工作,在此期间打开了眼界,也发生了蜕变。...
A retired jailer goes on a manhunt to find his son's killers. But the road leads him to a familiar, albeit a bit darker place. Can he emerge from this complex situation successfully?...
本片基于令人难以置信的真实事件改编,联邦探员蒂姆·巴拉德(吉姆·卡维泽 Jim Caviezel 饰)在把一个小男孩从残忍的儿童拐卖犯罪中解救出来之后,得知男孩的姐姐同样被拐,他决定冒险前去营救,但政府无法派兵到他国领土救援。时间紧迫,蒂姆辞去工作,深入哥伦比亚丛林以身犯险,誓要把女孩从生不如死的命运中解救出来。...