‘This is not science fiction’, says a commercial inviting young people to join the US Air Force. Indeed it is anything but a utopian vision when drones targeting humans in Afghanistan and other coun...
莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥的全新纪录片终于见光,这部电影将在正在进行的多伦多国际电影节上亮相,今天率先曝光了首款海报,片名从原来的The Turning Point改为了Before the Flood(《洪水泛滥之前》),更加直切主题。这部纪录片几乎就是跟拍了小李作为联合国大使游走世界各地考察环境的过程,马丁·斯科塞斯也有参与制片。...
Part 1 Origin of Brexit Part 2 The effects on the EU of Obama Overthrow of U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi destabilized Africa refugees fleeing to EU December 2011 Obama's Syrian Rebels of Al Quada...