Mehran Tamadon explores what it was like being interrogated by the Iranian regime by asking prisoners to reconstruct their experiences. Alongside his companion film Where God Is Not, My Worst Enemy...
When 38-year-old Natasha is unexpectedly landed with a baby, her life of doing what she wants, when she wants, dramatically implodes. Controlling, manipulative and with violent powers, the baby twis...
单亲孩子菲利普·佩里(T·J·劳瑟 T.J. Lowther 饰)的母亲对他管教甚严,8岁的小菲利普甚至从未参加过一次鬼节讨糖果的游戏。附近州监狱的两名罪犯越狱成功,劫持了菲利普作为人质,向德州边界逃窜。途中,罪犯之一的布奇(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)干掉了鲁莽愚蠢的同伙,却对小菲利普照顾有加。与此同时,德州警探瑞德(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)带着...
西西莉亚(伊丽莎白·莫斯 Elisabeth Moss 饰)再也想不到,曾经将自己迷得神魂颠倒的英俊男人阿德里安(奥利弗·杰森-科恩 Oliver Jackson-Cohen 饰),如今会成为噩梦的始作俑者。在和自己恋爱后没多久,阿德里安便开始对西西莉亚进行精神和肉体上的双重控制,终于,忍无可忍的西西莉亚在一天深夜用安定将阿德里安迷晕,成功的逃出了魔窟。 之后,西西莉亚震惊的收到了阿德里安自...