'The Chariot' tells the story of a corporation and doctor (John Malkovich) that oversees the process of reincarnation, and a young man (Thomas Mann) who becomes a glitch in the system when h...
This Is England '90 is an upcoming British TV drama series written by Shane Meadows and Jack Thorne. A spin-off from the 2006 film This Is England, it is also a sequel to the series This Is Englan...
由Tim Doyle开发的70年代家庭喜剧《The Kids Are Alright》讲述一个爱尔兰裔的天主教家庭 – Cleary一家。在美国最为动荡时期的洛杉矶工人阶级邻里中,Mike及Peggy照顾着8个孩子,不过这么多人也自然很难做到面面俱到。而当大儿子Lawrence回家说自己退出神学院时,这一家的平稳就被颠覆过来了。 Michael Cudlitz饰演Mike Cleary...