改编自Daphne du Maurier的小说Jamaica Inn Set in 1820 against the backdrop of the windswept Cornish moors, the story follows Mary’s journey when she is forced to live with an aunt at the eponymous inn aft...
Take a mind-blowing journey through human history, told through six iconic objects that modern people take for granted, and see how science, invention, and technology built on one another to change ...
USA的《生死狙击 Shooter》由Mark Wahlberg当执行制片﹑John Hlavin编剧,电视台早前正式预订。该剧确定在美国时间7月19日首播。 Ryan Phillippe(《秘密与谎言 Secrets and Lies》)饰演前海军陆战队狙击手Bob Lee Swagger,他被召参与秘密任务,但途中却被误会是刺杀总统的凶手。 Cynthia Addai-Robinson...
A recently retired English professor discovers a real knack for investigation and cannot help but interfere with the cases assigned to her police detective son....
北爱共和军领导人鲍比?桑兹(迈克尔?法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)因为领导反对当局的游行而被捕。在梅兹监狱中,他依然没有放弃斗争。监狱里都是六平方米的封闭牢房,这里关押着北爱共和军的囚犯,他们赤身裸体拒绝穿囚衣,以此对抗撒切尔夫人剥夺囚犯权利的法令。他们用污浊的食物和排泄物掩盖着变形门下的沟渠,以此传递消息。 通过一台蒙混过关的收音机,囚犯们得以及时了解共和军与英国政府...