The doctors from Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital spring into action to save the lives of two girls with a powerful story. Meanwhile, Meredith tries to cope with the fact that Amelia is now living with he...
"Wizards of Waverly Place" focuses on the Russos. A typical family, which includes a mom, Theresa Russo; a dad, Jerry Russo; a son, Justin Russo; a daughter, Alex Russo; and another son, Max...
Callie and Arizona have to make a choice regarding surrogacy while the board has to decide whether to give Cristina's seat on the board to Alex or Bailey. Amelia overhears the truth about Maggie P...
本剧是CBS今年最热门的一部新剧,由艾美奖得主、在《急诊室的故事》(ER)、《阿法隆迷雾》(Mists of Avalon)和《亡命魔界》(The Lost Room)中有上佳表现的Julianna Margulies主演。故事主要描述政客Peter(Chris Noth扮演)因性丑闻和政治丑闻被捕入狱后,他的妻子Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies)不得不结束「...