The most important thing for Na-young, who has lived her entire life in a small seaside village, is taking care of her family and friends. However, her mother tries to sell their precious house full...
The most important thing for Na-young, who has lived her entire life in a small seaside village, is taking care of her family and friends. However, her mother tries to sell their precious house full o...
《大长今在看着》(韩语:???? ????,英语:Dae Jang Geum Is Watching)为韩国MBC于2018年10月11日起播出的综艺电视剧,由《时尚妈咪》宣慧尹导演执导与朴恩静、崔宇珠作家再度合作打造。此剧讲述大长今的后代,各自拥有绝对味觉、嗅觉和触觉的韩氏三兄妹之间所发生的故事。...