Tasha has the perfect house, a loving husband and a beautiful little girl. Her life could be perfect if it wasn't for Jen, her husband's ex-wife who just won't leave them alone....
描述一名美国士兵夏尔洛在第一次世界大战时,参与壕沟战,在一场进攻德军阵营的作战中,单枪匹马成功的俘虏了13名德兵,又在大战中把德军耍的团团转,在最后的情节,他以技巧性的活捉德军前线司令(此片影射兴登堡将军),使得大战结束,并在字幕上表示“Peace on earth—good will to all mankind. 世界和平—人类将会美好”,就在他成为英雄时被众人喝采下,镜头突然一转,原来是...
Plankton’s world is flipped upside down when his plan for world domination is thwarted. Plankton runs the Chum Bucket restaurant alongside Karen, a waterproof computer that doubles as his sidekick and...
该片基于Tilar J. Mazzeo所著小说《The Widow Clicquot: The Story of a Champagne Empire and the Woman Who Ruled It》,讲述19世纪法国凯歌酒庄早年的坚韧发家历程,将这个标志性橙色品牌背后的迷人年轻女子形象栩栩如生地展现出来。 凯歌香槟1772年由商人菲利普·克里科创立,其子弗朗索瓦·克里科与商业大亨尼古...