莱尼(汤姆?威尔金森 Tom Wilkinson 饰)是伦敦黑帮的头目,他手下有个得力干将艾奇(马克?斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)。莱尼曾经做套逼小流氓头二(杰拉德?巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)还债。结果,头二凭借情人史黛拉(桑迪?牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)提供的情报,成功打劫,抢得巨款,还清了债务,并且一发而不可收拾…… 莱尼买通议员想进军房地产市场。为了...
Jane is trapped in an unknown world with endless possibilities. She has to discover a way to access them and alter her reality before she is destined to repeat the same test over and over again, Ad In...