The project from showrunner Taylor Sheridan follows patriarch Jacob (Ford) and matriarch Cara (Mirren) and explores “the early 20th century, when pandemics, historic drought, the end of Prohibition an...
Like Father. Like Son. Like No Other. "Sr." is a lovingly irreverent portrait of the life and career of maverick filmmaker Robert Downey Sr. that quickly devolves into a meditation on art, m...
Specialists gather in a top-secret facility to investigate a series of strange deaths on beaches along the Atlantic Ocean. One of the team's scientists (Nana Gouvea) examines video evidence to u...
Sometimes the past comes back to bite you. Two rival mob families are transferred from the Witness Protection Agency by mistake to same city, Temecula, CA....
In the Post-World War II, in Los Angeles, a criminal shots and kills a police officer in the middle of the night. Without any leads, the chief of the LAPD assigns Sgt. Chuck Jones and Sgt. Marty Bre...