在美国殡仪业大势并购垄断下,Fisher meijubar.net一家仍然努力坚持家族式服务为生。创办人父亲Nathaniel尽管已经不在人世,但是他的形象却经常出现在家人的幻想中,留下的家族业务由家庭的其余四个人员打理。老大Nate(彼得·克劳斯Peter Krause 饰)一直在殡葬业务和初为人父的家庭角色中寻找平衡;老二David(迈克尔·霍尔Michael C. Hall 饰)和他极度...
A man recently released from a mental institute inherits a mansion after his parents die. After a series of disturbing events, he comes to believe it is haunted....
Nick is angry at Mat and decides to start shooting at the school. During the lockdown Callie and Brandon talk to Stef and Lena about their past decisions. Jesus and Emma discuss getting back togethe...
今年的幸运儿就是《疯狂前女友 Crazy meijubar.net Ex-Girlfriend》,前Showtime开发剧集,现在被CW预定。 其实这部剧集大家都听说过,多个月前,showtime说要开发音乐剧。但是阴差阳错下,却变成了CW的剧集。从半小时喜剧,变成了一小时戏剧。CW看中 该剧的原因,是因为发现该剧有像《处女贞 Jane The Virgin》般的潜力。由于半小时喜剧变成一小时时长...