《玲珑心计》改编自索娜·沙赖波特拉和多妮尔·克莱顿所著书籍,以一所精英芭蕾舞学院为背景,记录了一群背井离乡的年轻人的起起落落,他们都身处于或成或败的边缘。亚契芭蕾学院是芝加哥唯一的一所精英舞蹈学校,也是该市著名的专业公司 City Works Ballet 的企业学校。亚契学院是各种舞者的绿洲:富人和穷人、北方人和南方人以及拥有不同背景的人。然而,他们所有人都拥有罕见的舞蹈才能和激情、忠诚的社区意...
Steven Parnell, who was accused of murdering a number young girls the previous summer, is killed while in prison awaiting trial. Morse had not been involved in the case as he was on leave during most ...
Henry Fallon, who is wheelchair bound and is suffering from a neurological disorder, apparently commits suicide and Morse has mixed feelings working on this case as he was once engaged to the dead man...
Felix McClure, an Oxford University professor, is stabbed to death in his college study. Not only was he an expert in his field but he was one of the University's key fund-raisers. The investigation f...