Bouzid’s sophomore film details the sexual awakening of Ahmed, a young French man of Algerian origins. His encounters with Farah, recently arrived from Tunis, paired with Arab erotic literature, force...
1946年一个雨夜,小说家莫里斯·本德里克斯(拉尔夫·费恩斯Ralph Fiennes 饰)邂逅身为外交官的故友亨利·梅尔斯(斯蒂芬·瑞 Stephen Rea 饰)。从亨利口中,莫里斯得知对方的妻子莎拉(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)似乎正有一段外遇 ,这令他妒火中烧。原来,两年前莫里斯曾和莎拉暗通款曲,两人经常背着亨利共享鱼水之欢。但在一次大轰炸过后,莎拉却从床底上绝然离...
A lawyer whose wife has had an affair sets out to leave her by flying to LA. He becomes ever more involved in the lives of a few fellow travelers on a journey that ends up showing him as much about ...
让-雅克·阿诺将执导聚焦2019年巴黎圣母院大火事件的新片[燃烧的巴黎圣母院](Notre Dame On Fire,暂译)。阿诺将与托马斯·彼得葛恩([预言者])共同操刀剧本。巴黎圣母院于法国当地时间2019年4月15日18时50分左右发生大火,失火点位于教堂阁楼处。大火导致其尖顶坍塌,中后部的木质屋顶完全被烧毁,而其石制的拱顶大部分得以保存。几百名消防员彻夜扑救,直至第二天黎明,大火得以扑灭,...