Ruby centers on Ruby Landry (Raechelle Banno), born in the Louisiana bayou and watched over by her loving Grandmère Catherine (Judd). Ruby is filled with hope as love blooms with her high school sweet...
Following the discovery of Kobol, the arrest of Laura Roslin, and the attempted assassination of William Adama, the Fleet finds itself thrust into more peril, but, with the discovery of Pegasus and ...
Three months after the Frobisher settlement, Patty is concentrating on establishing a charitable foundation when an old boyfriend, named Daniel Purcell, contacts her and entangles her in a new case ...
故事发生在繁华的大都市纽约,这里的生活对于年幼的女孩梅奇(阿娜塔·阿普洛 Onata Aprile 饰)来说却并不轻松。梅奇的母亲苏珊娜(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)是一个过气的摇滚明星,年老色衰的她日日郁郁寡欢,陷入愤怒的情绪中无法自拔,苏珊娜的丈夫比尔(史蒂夫·库根 Steve Coogan 饰)则是一个神经质的艺术品商人,两人的婚姻早已名存实亡,而梅奇的存在让他们都不...