James Purefoy stars as William Travers, a criminal barrister who is recovering from a traumatic series of events that have shaken his belief in the legal system. On the surface, Travers is a pictur...
A thriller set in London, in which a politician's life becomes increasingly complex as his research assistant is found dead on the London Underground and, in a seemingly unrelated incident, a teen...
在一次反恐行动中,由于情报失误,英国特警部队误杀了一名怀抱孩子的中东移民,负责行动队的首长决定将这宗丑闻彻底抹去,遂找来了知道真相的队员们统一口径,录制假口供。刑侦队长史蒂夫(马丁·康普斯顿 Martin Compston 饰)对于首长的决定十分不满,于是辞去了职务,被调往隶属于英国反贪署的秘密行动组。 史蒂夫的任务是调查一位名为托尼(连尼·詹姆斯 Lennie James 饰)的侦缉总督察...
在线频道CBS All Access的新剧《一元背后 One Dollar》(前名《$1》)由Jason Mosberg主创,神秘﹑惊悚题材的该剧背景在经济衰退下,美国的锈带小镇(锈带指美国东北部地区,过去此区有钢铁产业,但荒废后工厂余下锈迹大门而得名)中一张一元美金钞票会被不停转手,并牵涉到多个角色﹑命案及披露城镇里的秘密。该剧定于美国时间8月30日上线。 主演包括John Carroll...