《都市侠盗》类似现代版的罗宾汉与《十一罗汉》的综合体,讲述了一群各怀绝技的飞天大盗行侠仗义的故事。奥斯卡奖获得者Timothy Hutton出演男一号。 该剧由Dean Devlin(《独立日》, 《图书管理员》)任导演, John Rogers(《变形金刚》,《地心末日》)和 Chris Downey(《后中之王》)编剧,并由Devlin和Roger共同监制。TNT高级策划Michael ...
故事发生在波士顿一家大型律师事务所。阿伦·索尔(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Spader 饰)生性古怪叛逆,做事不拘一格,既是身经百战的金牌律师,又是充满正义心和同情心的风趣男人,无论在生活中还是法庭上,他都光芒万丈;丹尼·克莱恩(威廉·夏特纳 William Shat ner 饰)是事务所最资深合伙人,一生打赢过六千多场官司,如今被阿兹海默困扰,但丝毫不服老,也不认为自己有病。一对活...
Ross (Turner) must defend Cornwall from an empowered George Warleggan (Jack Farthing), and risks everything he holds dear as he embarks on a political journey which takes him to the nation's capit...
Pen15 is middle school as it really happened in the year 2000. Anna Konkle and Maya Erskine play versions of themselves as thirteen year old outcasts, surrounded by actual thirteen year olds....
Set on the cusp of the 19th century in Delhi before the British ruled in that region, the drama depicts the fortunes of the residents of Beecham House, an imposing mansion surrounded by acres of exoti...