A man is on a hiking trail in a California desert, when he notices his car is missing. As he searches around, he follows a wandering boy and eventually ends up in a remote cabin occupied by a young wo...
美丽少女安吉?阿尔布莱特(莎拉?汤普森 Sarah Thompson 饰)独自到位于偏远山区小镇的亚当斯学院求学。这里看似安宁,却是个地道的危险所在,一段时间内不断传出女孩失踪并被杀害的消息。某天,安吉在学校布告栏看到招聘保姆的通知。为了赚取生活费,她前往通知上所写的农庄应聘。雇主是年轻的史丹顿夫妇吉姆(布鲁斯?托马斯 Bruce Thomas 饰)和瓦尔莉特(Kristen Dalton 饰),...
The fate of a championship is being decided on a soccer field, but along with it, the lives of many people who have decided to turn things around are at stake. Be it for money, as is the case of Ita...
《神秘博士》是一部由英国广播公司出品的长寿英国科幻电视剧。 2005年版的第九任博士是忧郁的战争幸存者,经历了时之战争,他封印了他的种族和敌人戴立克,是唯一活下来的人。 该剧讲述了名为“Doctor”(克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿 Christopher Eccleston 饰)的神秘外星时间旅行者,随着他的时空机器TARDIS的(Time And Relative Dimensions I...