The series revolves around three friends who decide to embark on a journey, in which they will run into a stranger who will make their lives change completely....
A timid, small-town comedian's long-awaited big break takes a dark turn when he realizes committing murder is the only way to keep his onstage mojo.一个腼腆的小镇喜剧演员期待已久的大好机会发生阴暗转折,于是他认为谋杀是永葆舞台魅力的唯一方法...
圣丹斯电影节非虚构类最佳短片得主《约翰的太空寻人启事(John Was Trying to Contact Aliens)》。这部16分钟的短片,由英国导演Matthew Killip执导,主要讲述了John Shepherd在密歇根的家中花了30年时间试图联系外星人的故事。他使用大量的高科技设备将雷鬼、非洲节拍、爵士乐和东方音乐传送到数百万英里以外的地方。...