Arden is devastated by the death of her true love, Mia, and tormented by the powers of dark magic with which she has been cursed. She leaves her home world to travel to Earth, in pursuit of the evil s...
华纳(吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西 Giovanni Ribisi 饰)个性严谨循规蹈矩,甚至有些过于神经兮兮,守着亲爱的家人和宠物,他希望自己的生活能够永远一成不变风平浪静。艾力(赛斯·格林 Seth Green 饰)永远是一副醉醺醺的模样,永远搞不清楚状况又完全不在状态,就是这样两个性格南辕北辙的男人,他们竟然是相处了多年的死党,还共同创办了一家颇为成功的电子游戏公司。 就在两人都以为生活将在平静中...
Cuffs is a fresh, authentic and visceral drama that will take the audience on an exhilarating ride through the challenges of front-line policing. Adrenalized and vibrant, the show is packed full of dr...
法加合拍剧集《非常人贩 Transporter》被美国方取消后,制片公司决定续拍第二季,日前终于宣布第二季将在美国时间10月5日于The Movie Network(加拿大台)及The Movie Channel(美国有线台)两处首播 主演《越狱》、《灵医》的英国男星克里斯·范斯近日加盟电视剧版《非常人贩》,出演男主角Frank Martin;此前他还客串出演过《嗜血法医》、《火线警告》。 ...
Grant MacLaren and his team find themselves in FBI custody with no means of escape, while a mysterious new traveler reveals secrets to his psychiatrist....