The three-part limited series will follow Emily Maitlis’ professional and personal journey as a Newsnight journalist, leading up to her acclaimed interview with Prince Andrew. In Prince Andrew’s di...
It was the world's last Islamic empire - a super-power of a million square miles. From its capital in Istanbul it matched the glories of Ancient Rome. And after six centuries in power it collaps...
坦迪·牛顿将主演新片[上帝的国度](God’s Country,暂译)。朱利安·希金斯执导,希金斯与谢伊·奥邦纳([下层人])共同操刀剧本。该片改编自James Lee Burke创作的短篇故事《冬日之光》,讲述在美国西部山区阴冷的冬季,牛顿饰演的大学教授,独自生活在国家森林的边缘。一天,两名猎人闯入了她的土地,这引发了一场危险的较量。影片将在本周于蒙大拿开拍。...
Locked in her flat for several years, a reclusive young woman stumbles upon a mysterious web community. According to an urban myth, the Suicide Club grants death to those wishing for it. Unless thes...