In the British countryside, the Harver family head out on an idyllic summer camping trip where they can bury past tensions and enjoy some family bonding. But when their camp is sabotaged by an unseen ...
小男孩马基(麦克斯·雷诺丹 Max Renaudin 配音)一家人被猎人绑架,当作了奴隶准备贩卖到法国。马基趁着猎人熟睡之机,偷偷挣脱了手铐,开始了逃亡。路上遇到了长颈鹿“扎拉法”(黛博拉·弗朗索瓦 Déborah Fran?ois 配音),不幸的是猎人沿着脚印追了上来,将“扎拉法”的母亲杀害了,马基答应“扎拉法”的母亲一定会照顾好他。危急关头沙漠王子汉森(西蒙·阿布卡瑞安 Simon Abkar...
A pilots pregnant wife is killed by a band of thugs who break into their home. The gang is caught and sent off to prison. Wanting to see that "justice" is done the pilot stages his own death...
一群年轻人在某郊区别墅内派对,甜酒美食对于追求刺激的年轻人来说远远不够,他们还找来了一种名为“蓝色阳光”的LSD致幻剂。正当众人享乐之时,其中一个家伙突然大声惊呼,他的头发竟然悉数脱光。其他人不以为意,只当其是派对期间的玩笑调剂。曲终人散,年轻人们纷纷离开,这时那个脱发的男人突然狂性大发,残忍杀害了仍留在别墅内的三名女性。 主人公杰瑞(Zalman King 饰)返回屋内发现这一切,他与脱发...
This film follows composer and performer Max Richter as he consolidates an ambitious performance of his critically acclaimed eight-hour opus, Sleep. The film plunges deeply into the artist’s life a...