In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the ...
本剧同样由《Friday Night Lights》的一位制片人打造,用来接替NBC播出了15年之久的人气长剧《急诊室的故事》(ER)。NBC介绍说,这是一部「非常新颖」的医疗剧,不仅情节和气氛紧张,而且「真实性」也非常强。该剧描述了医疗行业中最危险的一类职业--第一急救员。你在美国的影视作品中经常可以看到这类场景:当有人遭受重大人身伤害(比如中枪)时,急救车很快便风驰电掣地赶到,从车上跳下几...
Timed with the 2020 women's suffrage centennial, American Masters - Unladylike2020: The Changemakers takes a look at women whose courage and tenacity 100 years ago shaped the political life and ...
IKEA is undoubtedly one of the world's most successful, enigmatic, and recognisable global brands. Last year nearly 800 million people in 49 countries visited its stores, which had a turnover of...