Soon after local entrepreneur Ripley Holden (Morrissey) opens his arcade in his beloved home town of Blackpool, a murder investigation makes tears at the fabric of his personal and professional live...
To save our great cities from catastrophic flooding, engineers are raising some of the biggest sea defenses in history. Venice MOSE Wall, Delta Flume, Japan Tsunami Barrier, New Jersey Storm Defense...
Anne Boleyn is one of the most famous and controversial women in British history. In 1536, she became the first queen in Britain's history to be executed. The brutal speed of her downfall, and the...
Driving home late at night during a heavy rainstorm, Glen experiences car trouble. Near where his car gets stuck, he spots a house, knocks on the door and is greeted by an oddly friendly middle-aged...
五只终日脏兮兮的小狗因为贪食冰淇淋被飞机从华盛顿带到了阿拉斯加,起初,它们面对满山冰雪异常兴奋,但很快便被寒冷的天气打败。这时,它们认识了一只爱斯基摩犬,并通过它知道了一个故事。爱斯基摩犬的小主人亚当(Dominic Scott Kay)一心想参加即日举行的年度雪橇比赛,可是有伤心往事的爸爸只想他做棒球手,于是亚当日夜期盼奇迹发生:上天派给他五只小狗(加上他的爱斯基摩爱犬,刚好组成一支雪橇队)...
《孟山都公司眼中的世界》《未来的收获》导演Marie-Monique Robin2014年新作 Le nouveau documentaire de Marie-Monique Robin est avant tout l’histoire d’une cassure. Entre les décideurs politiques et une partie de la population...