Gossip Girl是曼哈顿上东区最神秘的人物,她是我们了解上流贵族巨细无遗的生活的唯一来源,且拥有一众随时随地为她提供八卦消息的公子哥千金女。 而今年最重要的新闻,莫过于Serena Van Der Woodsen(Blake Lively 饰)在车站下车。这意味着这位曾经的学校女王、一年前谜一样消逝的风头人物,重回大家的生活,激起千层浪。第一个浪花来自Blair(Leighton Me...
午夜,一架从洛杉矶飞往波士顿的767客机突遭客舱失压泄气的危机。从沉睡中惊醒的布莱恩·恩格尔(大卫·摩斯 David Morse 饰)惊恐地发现,飞机上所有的乘客和机组人员都消失了,身边只剩下十个同样身处险境的男女老幼,手足无措。那些消失无踪的乘客所留下来的“遗物”,仍原封不动的停留在原处,好像不曾发生过任何事情,然而噩梦才刚刚开始。在三万七千英尺的高空之上,这些幸存的“生还者”将最后一丝希望...
A fast paced dramatic thriller set in locations throughout Victoria, Australia. Grady (Marcus Graham) an ex-soldier whose life has been disrupted and his emotions disturbed, by his experiences at war ...
When a private eye takes a case to find a missing university student, he must explore the deep dark depths of his own mind to uncover the truth around his own childhood disappearance as he tracks down...