Louis Theroux investigates the current conditions of 3 different cities in the US which have been negatively impacted by the catalytic encouragement of prescription drugs upon their citizens. People...
Festivities at Staples Center in Los Angeles honor excellence in the recording industry, James Corden hosts; scheduled performers include John Legend, Metallica, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Adele...
Three assassins deal with life, love, addiction and trust as each tries to find the answers to a better life. Together, they prove to be the most trustworthy in this tangled web of murder, greed, frie...
2012年9月,当一具骨骼在兰切斯特市政厅的一个停车场被发现的时候,这个消息传遍了世界各地。这会不会是在遗失了500年的英国的最臭名昭著的国王的尸体呢?在这部全球独家纪录片中,电视四台呈现了寻找理查三世的完整内幕。 When a skeleton was reported found under a Leicester council car park in September 2012, ...
19世纪欧洲乡下,名叫迪拉米的小村庄遭到传说中的狼人血腥洗礼,市井巷陌,尸横遍野,惨不忍睹。被咬的人即使幸存也面临感染变异的危险,死亡是他们唯一的归宿。恐怖愁云弥漫在这片苍凉的土地上空。来自迪拉米的幸存者悲愤交加,他给出高额悬赏雇佣勇士猎杀狼人。贪图钱财的雷人们相风而动,其中不乏浑水摸鱼之徒。不忍见眼前这没有止境的惨状,青年医生丹尼尔(盖伊·威尔逊 Guy Wilson 饰)决定随同一群猎人们临时...