Gilmore Girls is an American comedy-drama series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, www. starring Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel. On October 5, 2000, the series debuted on the WB t...
During Harry Houdini's tour of Britain in 1926, the magician enters into a passionate affair with a Scottish woman. 本片根据哈里·胡迪尼的故事改编而成。胡迪尼是一位享誉国际的脱逃艺术家,能不可思议地从绳索、脚镣及手铐中脱困,同时他也是以魔术方法戳穿所谓“通灵术”的反伪科...
CBS电视台的热门破案剧集《海军犯罪调查处 NCIS》衍生剧《洛杉矶海军犯罪调查 NCIS: Los Angeles》由ChrisO‘Donnell和LL Cool J出演,主角是专注于高风险的卧底及侦察任务的特别小组Office of SpecialProjects(OSP),他们将专门负责危及到国家安全的高危险罪犯。拥有各种高尖端科技以及各种不同身份的受过特殊训练的小组成员,将冒着生命危险执行...