After a dangerous sea crossing and a stay in a camp in Malaysia, the young Vietnamese Tinh and her family are accepted as refugees in Canada and arrive in Montreal where they begin their new life. B...
A fast-paced comedy, Aatmapamphlet tells the twin story of a childhood love and that of momentous social change in 1990s India. Bold, moving, and insightful, this directorial debut places friendship...
The story begins in today Istanbul, when a woman called I??k (Bade ???il) arrives at an old house. There she recalls the past and friends of her youth. Back in 1998, a group of young people (Eda, O...
Ray Dalio在2008年美国金融危机之后,在Youtube上的分享的一个30分钟的视频,介绍生产效果、短期债务周期、长期债务周期的起源。这个视频对于没有任何经济学基础的人都是便于理解的。比尔盖茨对这个视频的推荐语是这样的:"This knowledge would help everyone as investors and citizens. Watching it for ...
Don Eppes是洛杉矶FBI探员,他和他那具备超乎常人头脑的数学天才弟弟Charlie一起侦破了在洛杉矶发生的大范围严重罪案。《数字追凶》通过一个个案例,反映数学理论是如何被应用到警方的调查之中,从而破解一件件匪夷所思的罪案。 在本剧中,您将继续看到数学这个看似平常的工具是如何解决一件件大案。...