Follows a group of girlfriends from Assam and Meghalaya, north-eastern states in India, gathering in the back streets of Delhi to throw a secret wedding party for a soon-to-be bride. Terrorised by t...
The exact details of what took place while Talib Ben Hassi, 19, was in police custody remain unclear. Police officers Jens and Mike are on routine patrol in Svalegården’s ghetto when news of Talib’s...
故事发生在1937年西班牙内战时期,在纷飞的战火之中,一位来自美国的名叫罗伯特(加里·库柏 Gary Cooper 饰)的男人,他的身影时常活跃在前线,带领着西班牙人民抗击当地法西斯的残暴统治。他们炸火车打巷战,打得敌人节节败退。 这一天,罗伯特接手了一个新的任务,和一支由民兵自发组成的游击队联手,炸掉敌人前来攻打必经之路上的一座铁桥。在此过程中,罗伯特邂逅了名为玛利亚(英格丽·褒曼 Ingri...