Talitha Campbell, the arrogant daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur, is arrested following the disappearance of fellow student, Hannah Ellis, the hard-working daughter of a single mother. From the ma...
A dark rainy night, an empty house, a stranded couple and an unknown man. A sleek game of the cat and the mouse starts playing on, as the three of them find a dead body in the basement....
本剧第三季率先于2017年5月5日在西班牙巴塞罗那Liceu大剧场试映,官方宣布将于5月15日首播。 Julián的扮演者因个人原因将缺席第三季,Pacino将代替Julián成为三人小分队的一员,Amelia、Alonso和Pacino将面临新的任务。 而在前两季中出现的Lope de Vega、Cervantes等重要历史人物,也将重新登场。...
“Amber Brown” is an unfiltered look at a girl finding her own voice through art and music in the wake of her parents’ divorce. The series will star Carsyn Rose (“The Rookie,” “Cousins for Life”) as Am...