所有的老师和校长听到“布兰登学校”的大名之时都会暗自在心中捏一把冷汗,这所学校因为黑恶势力的潜伏和极高的校园犯罪率而在教育界臭名昭著,如今,人生遭遇了全面滑铁卢的约翰(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)即将成为这所学校的新一任校长。 看着校园里此消彼长的歪风邪气,约翰心里充满了愤怒,他制定了严格的规章制度,希望能够以此重振学生和老师们的信心。约翰的决心逐渐的影响了信任他的学生们...
A young woman is killed on her way home from a lavish yacht party and a suspect is identified as a veteran who had been on several Army operations with Crosby.by:www.tuikan.cc...
Eighty people from totally diverse backgrounds suddenly find themselves in an undisclosed location where they are expected to compete in a race with simple rules, "If you are lapped twice, you di...
World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of carriers of a fatally dangerous "Stamp of Cain" in order to prevent seemingly unrelated events such as mass murders...