A movie that follows a young, black attorney who has spent years offering live, online sex performances to pay for law school and “endeavours to construct dialogues between different identities, wit...
Rakka was born with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. This ability tortures him, as they often appear to help settle their grudges or solve their problems. Rakka often helps p...
雷达(简·德克莱尔 Jan Decleir 饰)是一名冷酷而又残暴的杀手,身上背负着累累的血债。造化弄人,雷达换上了阿兹海默症,这也就意味着,随着时间的推移,他离“退休”越来越近了。在一次重要的任务中,雷达震惊的发现自己要暗杀的对象竟然是一个只有十二岁的孩子,悲惨的童年经历让他迟迟无法下手,并决定展开他的复仇计划。 雷达杀死了同僚吉尔斯(帕特里克·德康 Patrick Descamps 饰)...
I can see people will either love or hate this movie, depending on your own experiences and loves. Its basically about a incredibly obese police officer coming to terms with his own mortality (he is...