美丽宁静的新西兰牧场,无数温顺的绵羊正在草场上觅食,突然远处传来令人毛骨悚然的叫声。奥利弗(马修·张伯伦 Matthew Chamberlain 饰)年幼时由于哥哥安格斯的恶作剧而患上“恐羊症”,成人后在回农场处理父亲留下的遗产时发现哥哥安格斯为了赚钱而用羊做基因试验,从而引发了一场灾难。本来温顺的绵羊突然变得凶残起来,并且迅速蔓延。但凡被已经变异的羊咬过,无论是羊或者是人都会变成可怕的食肉动物。...
黑道分子波特(Mel Gibson 梅尔•吉布森 饰)和沃尔(Gregg Henry 饰)搭档,洗劫了某华人帮的14万现金,然而在事成之际,他却被沃尔和自己的妻子林恩(Deborah Kara Unger 饰)暗算。不仅钱被悉数卷走,还中弹险些丢掉性命。 伤愈归来的波特只有一个念头,要回应该属于自己的7万美元。为此他上天入地,大开杀戒,凡是阻挠他的人全被干掉。这笔在很多大人物眼里微不足道的小...
The Most Unknown is an epic documentary film that sends nine scientists to extraordinary parts of the world to uncover unexpected answers to some of humanity's biggest questions. How did life begi...
Richard Feynman is one of the most iconic, influential and inspiring scientists of the 20th century. He helped design the atomic bomb, solved the mystery of the Challenger Shuttle catastrophe and wo...