World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of carriers of a fatally dangerous "Stamp of Cain" in order to prevent seemingly unrelated events such as mass murders...
Sally's bond with a special little flower on the baseball field may spell disaster for the big game. For Charlie Brown and the team, it's just the inspiration they need to make a positive im...
上一集的大屠杀之后,杰森和十个年轻人的尸体被警方收敛,然而在医院中,杰森再次醒来,将夜班医护杀死,不知所踪……保罗、莎拉(Barbara Howard 饰)等六个年轻人租下了林中的木屋度假,木屋旁边住着汤米、丽丝姐弟以及他们的母亲一家。保罗等人到水晶湖中戏水,全然不知这里曾经上演的血腥故事。汤米和丽丝因汽车抛锚结识了自称是猎熊人的青年罗布(Erich Anderson 饰),罗布拜访汤米一家后在森...
Talented, energetic, and full of joy, Rita Moreno has been dazzling audiences for over 70 years. Whether showcased on television, film, or stage, her artistry transcends singing, dancing, and acting...
They call him The Sniffer. He's the proud owner of an extraordinarily acute sense of smell. He can detect things about you that you desperately want to conceal. He'll find that needle in the...
《超蓬勃》以诗选剧类型开发,每季探索一个撼动商业世界核心并改变文化的故事。 第一季《优步之战》改编自Mike Isaac的纪实文学《热血野心/恣意橫行(台) Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber》,由《亿万》的两位主创Brian Koppelman及 David Levien负责。 《优步之战》讲述硅谷最成功也最具破坏性的公司Uber,主角是Travis Ka...
To the streets, “Raq” Thomas is cold, hard and fierce — a successful and deadly woman taking names in a man’s world. She is tough, resolute, ruthless, but Raq still is capable of love. Great love. The...