Break a Dead Lock 侠盗至尊 侠盗至尊是一部42分钟的黑色动作喜剧独立短片电影(电视电影)。由美籍华人导演Richard Chung在2013制作完成。目前已参展与各国大型国际电影节。故事讲述Mark,阿抗,和小易是来自世界各地的孤儿,从小由侠盗高飞和他的搭档坤叔抚养长大。10年前的一次任务中,Mark的失误导致师傅高飞坐牢,冤死在狱中。数年后,三人决定金盆洗手恢复正常人的生活,但...
Jinake Saman is the university moon in the engineering faculty, known across the whole campus as the hottest moon. There was the saying among the campus “Nothing and no one was hotter than Mr. Jin!”...
On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's ...