The series follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed "Ghost", owner of a popular New York City nightclub. In addition, he is a major player in one of the city's biggest illegal drug networks....
See why the masters of mystery, critics, and fans alike have embraced Servant. Season 2 arrives January 15 on Apple TV+ From M. Night Shyamalan, Servant follows a Philadelphia couple in mourning af...
迪恩(简森·阿克斯 Jensen Ackles 饰)和萨姆(贾德·帕达里克 Jared Padalecki 饰)终于找到父亲约翰(杰弗瑞·迪恩·摩根 Jeffrey Dean Morgan 饰),但为了救迪恩,约翰甘愿深入地狱,留下兄弟两个继续完成“猎人”职责。同时兄弟俩也了解到“黄眼恶魔”的存在,开始一路追踪这个最大仇人。二人解决了一个又一个超自然生物,兄弟二人的性格、理想分歧也一直存在,不时吵...