The film takes place in Toulouse and tells the story of Jean, a 55 year-old policeman who discovers his son, Maxime, and his son's boyfriend hanged in a hotel room. The autopsy shows that he died ...
New Year's Eve celebrations are cut short when a masked man stabs a woman in her own home. Jack and the team must uncover the identity of the murderer before they can strike again....
Largely unchanged for more than a century, the projection of photochemical film faces an uncertain future in the digital age. The practice of handing and projecting film is in danger of being lost; ...
A cinematic odyssey exploring David Bowie’s creative and musical journey. From visionary filmmaker Brett Morgen and sanctioned by the Bowie estate. Five years in the making and featuring never-b...
Elliott, a young fisherman with an extraordinary voice, gets the chance of a lifetime when he is discovered by the successful high-profile music manager, Suzanne. Suzanne soon pairs Elliott with her e...