Inspired by a shocking story from the Windrush Scandal. After 50 years in the UK, Anthony McKay-Williams is wrongfully detained by the Home Office and threatened with deportation. Patrick Robinson...
This is a brilliant surrealistic film. But also a fully realistic story about a time when the brave avant-guarde artists were trying to explore the unknown landscapes of human possibilities. The con...
This is a story of lifetime. A story full of spiritual power biography, behind which stays a whole age in the national development of Bulgaria. Reality & Fantasy, 6 May 2006 Author: lordsin fr...
契若夫(鲍里斯·奇尔阔夫 Boris Chirkov 饰)、拉宾(亚历山大·巴希罗夫 Aleksandr Bashirov 饰)和涅斯特拉托夫(瓦西里·梅尔库里耶夫 Vasili Merkuryev 饰)是青梅竹马的玩伴,三人之间感情非常的要好。长大成人之后,三人走上了不同的道路,契若夫成为了著名的外科医生,拉宾成为了畜牧业专家,而涅斯特拉托夫是三人里最有出息的一个,成为了建筑事业管理局的领导...