Survival hangs in the balance for a group of teenage girls stranded on a deserted island, after the explosive discovery that what's happening to them is an elaborate social experiment. Season 2 up...
Investigators of the strange, John E.L. Tenney and Chad Lindberg, explore the world's most allegedly haunted locations in search of the truth regarding the nature of existence and if there are w...
一部由 PBS 出品、极富视觉冲击力的科普巨作,一场用画面演绎和探寻宇宙终极奥秘的讲堂。从牛顿因苹果产生的力学顿悟,到爱因斯坦相对论,再到量子论,弦理论……《宇宙的构造》共四部分,取材自同名著作,作者兼物理学家 Brian Greene 和世界名校的专家学者一同为观众介绍时间、空间和宇宙的概念。 The Fabric of the Cosmos: What is Space? 什么是空间? ...