In an abandoned theater, French actress Marina Vlady recites from Borges' "The Immortal"... Japanese research scientist Shin Kubota sings praises to the "immortal jellyfish"....
Melting glaciers, gullied seas, the financial markets are about to collapse. Spectacular images of how growth continues to be blinding. Outside you can hardly see anything because of the smog and th...
A socially and politically frustrated young man with a troubled past vents his frustrations through a social networking website and unwittingly sparks a revolutionary social movement....
下巴伐利亚的警察弗朗茨(塞巴斯蒂安·贝策尔 Sebastian Bezzel 饰)因为工作失误而被下放到慕尼黑,接手管理他的是那里出了名的严厉女上司。在好友的帮助下,弗朗茨总算在新城市落地生根了,但此时的他并不知道,一场狂风巨浪正在黑暗里汹涌的等待着他。 不久之前,弗朗茨父亲的汽车被盗了,当弗朗茨接到通知说车找到时,他万万没有想到,和汽车一起被发现的,还有后备箱里一具被保鲜膜紧紧包裹着的尸体...
这是一部纪实性电影,逼真地反映了希特勒人生的最后12天,第三帝国最后的日子。 苏联红军已经攻入柏林,希特勒(布鲁诺·甘茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)和情妇爱娃(茱莉安·柯勒 Juliane K?hler 饰)也躲到了掩体下。爱娃知道自己是来陪希特勒一起共赴黄泉的,但她并 不后悔。即使在她向希特勒为妹夫求情遭拒绝后,她也和希特勒一起举办了最后一次的婚礼。 希特勒的忠实追随者戈倍尔(乌尔里希·马特...