A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falc?o, a ma...
In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaster, however an unforeseen side-effect of time trave...
The genre-busting series tells the story of Katie and Stefan who fall for each other at a wedding and begin an affair, despite Katie already having a fiancé. Two months later at Katie’s wedding, her n...
这是一个关于没法适应生活环境的天才男孩的故事。尽管出生在一个贫穷且缺乏教育的家庭,他仍然努力去取得成功。小小年纪的他 却要做出人生中最艰难的决定——长大后干什么。 The story of a misfit and extremely bright little boy, after he finds out he's a genius, he struggles to succeed desp...