A glance leads to a smile, a smile to a rendezvous: every love story begins the same way. These narratives are stored in songs and poems and live on beyond their inevitable endings, as Shakespeare’s...
Wonderville's favorite problem-solving duo, Pinkfong and Hogi, assembles a group of friends to produce their first-ever live concert. The crew must learn to come together as a team and compromis...
It's not 1985 anymore...it's 1986, and Chuck Steel is 'the best God damn cop on the force' according to his long suffering boss, Captain Jack Schitt. But even this maverick, renegade...
肩部受伤令吉姆(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)不得不放弃了自己在棒球事业上的大好前途成为了一名教师。幸福的婚姻生活和平静的教师生涯都没能熄灭吉姆内心里对于棒球的热情和喜爱,可是在现实之中,他只能无奈妥协。学校组建了一只棒球队,吉姆是教练这一职位首当其冲的人选,在和队员的接触与训练之中,吉姆渐渐发现,心中有些热烈的情感正在渐渐复苏。 为了鼓励队员们训练,吉姆和他们打了一个赌,如果...