Wray Nerely is a struggling actor who starred as a spaceship pilot on Spectrum, a cult classic science fiction series. He navigates the odd people and incidents he encounters along the way while learn...
An overworked dad, missing out on his kids growing, takes an opportunity to start a "family business" thinking it will draw his family closer together - That is just mistake number one....
本片由十个段落组成,每个段落分别以不同的音乐表达,有些段落有剧情,有些段落只是纯音乐,还有通俗的音乐,像爵士、民谣等,此片巧妙地将音乐、喜剧、马戏、歌剧熔为一炉,是较为经典的短篇音乐合辑动画片。 本片是迪士尼第八部经典动画。 本片共包括十个段落︰ 1.马丁与可依﹙Th e Martins and t he Coys)乡村民谣 2.蓝色拜伦河﹙Blue Ba you)诗歌 3.大家来跳舞...
本片由十个段落组成,每个段落分别以不同的音乐表达,有些段落有剧情,有些段落只是纯音乐,还有通俗的音乐,像爵士、民谣等,此片巧妙地将音乐、喜剧、马戏、歌剧熔为一炉,是较为经典的短篇音乐合辑动画片。 本片是迪士尼第八部经典动画。 本片共包括十个段落︰ 1.马丁与可依﹙Th e Martins and t he Coys)乡村民谣 2.蓝色拜伦河﹙Blue Ba you)诗歌 3.大家来跳舞...