几年前,吉米·霍普(Jimmy Hope)的妻子去世了,他一直在挣扎着继续生活,无论是在工作还是在家里,他正试图以单亲父母的身份抚养他的两个女儿。菲斯·特利(Faith Turley)最近离婚了,她正尽最大努力从离婚的痛苦中恢复过来,但她的生活之梦--她的舞蹈工作室,正处于被关闭的危险之中,这加剧了她的麻烦。需要筹集资金挽救她的工作室,菲斯参加了一个“Pro and a Schmo”舞蹈比赛,现在...
Old school friends go on a paintball trip, miles away from civilization. Things go horribly wrong when they discover a cold-blooded masked killer moxia.cc is among them. Now they must fight to survi...
In a modern America where witches are real and witchcraft is illegal, a sheltered teenager must face her own demons and prejudices as she helps two young witches avoid law enforcement and cross the so...
《月殒天劫》(Impact),由《Supernatural》、《Reaper》和《Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles》导演Mike Rohl执导的一部科幻灾难迷你剧,将于6月21日、28日在ABC播出。故事主要描述一颗流星击中月球后,导致了一系列灾难性的后果。如同电影《世界末日》(Armageddon)的情节一样,人类派出一支精英团队前往月球,试图寻找拯救...