Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour Episode 2: The Beast Below Episode 3: Victory of the Daleks Episode 4: The Time of Angels Episode 5: Flesh and Stone Episode 6: The Vampires of Venice Episode 7: A...
When phony stage mentalist Triton mysteriously acquires supernatural powers of precognition, he becomes frightened and abandons his act to live of anonymity....
Edith Hardy uses charity funds for Wall Street investments in hopes of buying some new gowns. She loses all the money and borrows from wealthy oriental Tori. When her husband gives her the amount sh...
Lucas Jackson(保罗?纽曼 Paul Newman 饰),一个越战的退伍兵,在一个喝醉酒的夜里拆掉了镇上的停车计时器而被判两年的监禁。一开始,他就挑战监狱里的领袖人物Dragline(乔治?肯尼迪 George Kennedy 饰)。Dragline个头比Lucas大得多,把Lucas打得毫无还手之力,但Lucas却一直拒绝屈服,因此赢得了Dragline的尊重。而在监狱的扑克比赛中,...
硬汉托马斯·贝克特(汤姆·贝伦杰 Tom Berenger饰)是一位美国海军陆战队的老兵。然而冷酷无情的贝克特却因为曾经不顾他的战友而臭名昭著。这一次,美国情报部门派遣年轻的神枪手理查德·米勒(比利·赞恩 Billy Zane饰)与贝克特搭档,前往巴拿马完成一次刺杀任务。亦敌亦友的一老一少深入丛林,在远离后方支援的情况下,两人却各怀鬼胎,甚至互相攻击。但随着任务的进行,两人开始慢慢地接纳彼此,在紧...