When a private eye takes a case to find a missing university student, he must explore the deep dark depths of his own mind to uncover the truth around his own childhood disappearance as he tracks down...
“Sophie is good at school and Mum's thrilled. Jessica has her boyfriend and, anyway, she’s Jessica. Me? I dunno. A void. I suck.” They’re all nuts. Her parents, who want to send her off to boar...
Middle-aged banker Arthur Hamilton is given the opportunity to start a completely new life when he receives calls from his old friend Charlie. The only problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead...
In this delicate, deceptively small-scale drama from award-winning Iranian director Reza Mirkarimi, Youness, an ageing taxi driver, takes a young woman to a hospital at the end of his working day no...
50年代-60年代初波兰电影学院派的经典作品之一,堪称与同时代意大利导演安东尼奥尼的《奇遇》相比,改编自Józef Hen在社会主义波兰时期被禁的小说。 In 1960 his second film NIKT NIE WOLA / NOBODY'S CALLING, based on a Jozef Hen novel that was never published in Pol...